Saturday, December 14, 2019


More and more often, in social networks can be seen such posts -

"I am processing bees with oxalic acid (sublimation)"

"Checking our inspection boards after the oxalic vape. We have observed 0 varroa drop on both test colonies and 0 from the control. Not sure whether to be pleased or disappointed..."

I want to answer to such posts... Dear friends, you should be disappointed...  

This suggests, that your treatement was not effective. The probability, that the bee
family has absolutely no Varroa mites is very poor today. Therefore, with a high degree of probability we can talk about the inefficiency of the method of treating bees by sublimation of oxalic or formic acid, and the popularity of this method is caused only by its minimal complexity!

What is the reason for this ... Everything is quite simple ... the bees are able to regulate air exchange in the hive and are able to defend themselves from unwanted influences.

Oxalic (or formic) acid does not act selectively on the mites, or on the bees, or on human. It acts on everyone equally negatively. Just a bee is much larger than a mite and its body is partially protected by hairs. BUT the bee’s breathing system is open just like a mite's, and just like a human’s. Therefore, the bees also suffers from acid, although weaker. How much weaker is the question of dosage. The bees closest to the evaporator definitely die as well as the mites ... An acid treatment burns the trachea and their entire respiratory system ... A terrible and painful death ...

Even in conditions when there are no such effects as acid treatment, the bees protect the inside part of the cluster or of the nest, creating a “crust” from their bodies around it.  And a fortiori, they do this, when there is a threat of poisoning by acid fumes...  Bees are perfectly able to regulate the air flows in the hive. They can let fresh air to move into the brood "streets" for aeration, they can remove moist air when they are “drying” honey, and they can block its passage in the places, where they consider its passage not necessary. In the course of our experiments with the new hive, we clearly became convinced of this ...

Secondly... treatments of this type are made at a time, when the brood is no longer exists in the nest
of bees, since if there is a brood, most of the mites are in it and such treatment will not help to kill it, and an open brood will be damaged for sure ... This means, that if one make such kind of treatement, the honey collection is already finished and most bees are in the hive. Moreover, as we already wrote, on the periphery of the nest, most of all, are placed  old worker bees, creating a “peel” from their bodies, which not only protects the nest, but also heats it.

Thus, summing up all the reasons, it can be argued, that when we use sublimated acids, treating our bees, we get their reciprocal response. As soon as the outer "layer" of the bees feels the influence of acid fumes, they most likely completely block  access of the air inside the "streets" between the frames, where the young bees and the queen are located. But the last mites of the season can mainly be found exactly on young bees ... Thus, only bees,  which create a protective “peel” from their bodies , will be treated when you use of such method... And this is not so much ... most of the bees will remain untreated by the pairs of acid, and most of the mites will not suffer from such a treatment. This is why, we do not see such huge mite's  drop,  as we would like ...

Thus, it seems, that the classical method of applying formic and oxalic acids in the form of spraying bees, is much more effective, although much more time-consuming ... With this treatment, not only a strong drop of the mites is observed, but also it does not cause so much damage to the bees, because the acid in this treatment is used with dilution. But it is the concentration of any poison, that determines its lethal effect.

As a result, we can assume, that the popularity of this method was created by the laziness of beekeepers and competent advertising campaign of manufacturers of devices such as VARROJET and similar ones ...

Have a look

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Do not treat your bees immediately after your first check of free fall of the mites show you dangerous levels of quantities of mites !

APIVOX PROJECT. The results of almost a year of researches have led us to a very important conclusion. Recommendations to immediately treat bees' colonies from Varroa mites, when control of free fall of the mites per day showed danderous volumes, are not correct in a lot of situations.
Everything suggests that you should not rush into such treatment. The fact is, that the mites can live from 27 days to three months ... And the death of the mites can occur on any of these days in the range of 60 days. Naturally, there are coincidences when the mites from different age groups can die at the same time .. And those who are 30 days old, and those who are 60 days old, and those who have lived up to 90 days. This naturally creates peaks of "free fall", which may have values , according to which, "scientists" say, it is urgently needed to treat bees with acaricidal preparations .... But this not so! After such a fall, a significant decrement in the amount of falling mites can occur ! Only longer monitoring can show the true amount of Varroa mites falling daily on sticky board. Wait for a few days. Average the results of the fall of mites during 10-12 days and if you will receive confirmation of this dangerous size, then you can confidently treat your bees. But usually, this is not so ... and most likely you need not to treat your bees ... The amount of free fall of the mites is not stable, and depends on many factors ... And the main thing is the mites' birth rate, which was about 2 months ago .... After all, all mites which were born, will die ! No one in this world is immortal! Exists a lot of other factors... But the main idea is, that the mortality and free fall of the mites is not stable in time process and have its peaks and hollows... And this should be taken into account !



Sunday, November 3, 2019

Experimental hive at the beginning of wintering

The results of the hive inspection during the first cold snaps, when the day and night temperatures dropped below 0 degrees Celsius, were quite expected. The readings of temperature sensors showed that the cluster of winterin bees become denser, and the temperature gradients increased significantly.
Most bees are on four or five frames, in the center, on the frame with the maximum temperature - is situated the queen. Inspection showed that we were right.
The bees are located exactly as we expected, according to the readings of thermal sensors. In addition, it can be seen that the bees in the experimental hive are large, calm and outwardly in good condition.

Preliminary acoustic control showed the same results.  The family is calm, all signals indicate normal in-hive activity. The signal amplitude is quite low, as the yellow icon on the screen tells us, but diagnostics can be done. Exactly the presence of a built-in wired microphone allows acoustic monitoring without disturbing the bees, which at that time of the year are very easily excited and calm down for a very long time after that.


"Modern methods of beekeeping - are the main enemy of bees and the helper of Varroa mite" , or "The Collapse of Bee Colonies, was arranged by people"

Today it is not a secret to anyone, that the transfer of Varroa mite from the bees Apis Cerana to the bees Apis Melifera was due to the fact, that people began to move bee colonies at their discretion, to the places they need, and did not leave the bees to live in the places, for which they were intended  by the Nature, or by the God.

Similarly, the struggle of beekeepers with Varroa mite and the Collapse of Bee Colonies caused by the presence of this mite in bee families, looks rather strange and ridiculous ....

Virtually all methods of mite control involve the use of chemicals, which are in one form or another, impact on mites, located on the bees. Unfortunately, all these methods are powerless to impact on mites, located in closed cells of the combs. But, as the researchers say, if you will see one mite on a bee, you can be sure of the presence of another 10 mites in the brood cells.

Thus, we poison the bees and spoil the honey, but do not affect the mites... 90% of them will stay alive.... Of course, we kill him a little, reducing the growth rate of their number ... But ... Should we feed the pharmaceutical companies, poison the bees, and poison ourselves by using chemicals?  Why has the mite now spreads and intensified so much, that we cannot cope with it ?  It's a fact, that mites can kill the family in a year, if no any measure is taken !

It's all about the "modern methods" of beekeeping ...  Twenty years ago rural beekeeper did not know any chemistry, did not reared any queens, did not divide and did not strengthen his bee families, and received honey as much as nature gave him. Now everything has changed !

Honey-hungry "modern" beekeepers manipulate bees and broods, creating "strong" families in order to get as much honey as possible... It doesn’t matter that it will be polluted with pesticides, with antibiotics, with acaricidal drugs .... It doesn’t matter that it cannot be exported because of its bad quality... But it can be sold to dealers on the domestic market ... But dealers pay a little, and it is needed more and more honey, in order  to justify the costs of care, transportation and chemistry ... And as a result, we obtain vicious circle...

How did beekeepers could escape from this "vicious circle" at the end of the last century? Easily! The fact is, that thanks to the “natural” methods of beekeeping used by them, together with minimal treatment of bees with oxalic acid diluted in water, they managed to hold the mites within the frames, in which they minimally harmed the family...  And how they did it ?

Firstly, the dark forest bee, which prevailed previously, is in itself quite thermophilic, and somewhat "lazy" in contrast with Carnica breed ... This breed of bees begin to grow brood  in spring later, and start to fly for nectar and for pollen later too. Accordingly, it does not differ by rapid spring development as Carnica breed ... Under these conditions, a gradual increase in number of brood, limits the speed of mites development.

Secondly, natural swarming, which prevailed as a species of breeding of bees, introduced natural factor, that additionally weakened mites. The fact is that the swarm, leaving the family, takes with it the fetal queen and  20-30% of all mites that present in the family. In addition, when a swarm leaves, occurs a natural loss of the mites. Bees spend a certain amount of time, building combs for the nest.  And the queen, after her flight with swarm, lay eggs with reduced speed. This, in its turn reduces the rate of reproduction of the mites, which left in  the swarm.

Thus, it can be said, that the swarm has a level of mites presence  from about 20 to 25% of the initial amount in the maternal family. That is, compared to the maternal family, at the end of May, the swarm is practically almost clear of mites. Until the fall, the amount of mites will grow, but will not be able to absolutely destroy the family. A single spraying of bees with formic or oxalic acid before hibernation, will further reduce the amount of mites on bees, which will start hibernation. So, in spring, the quantity of mites will not be significant, and the development of the family will be better than that of the maternal family.

Thirdly, the part of the family, which remained after the departure of the swarm, loses 20-30% of all the mites without any treatment. This result can't be achieved even after the most modern chemical treatment. In addition, the family does not have a fertile queen, and guaranteed three weeks without brood, once again drastically reduces the amount of the mites in this part of the family. After all, mites have no place to multiply, but they die with the same speed, as they always does .... Thus, the quantity of mites in maternal family also significantly decreases without any treatment. The situation is almost alike as with a swarm .... A single spraying of bees with formic or oxalic acid before hibernation will further reduce the amount of mites that will go into winter. So in spring its quantity will be significant less, and the family will suffer significantly less too.

And what are we doing, while using the "modern methods" of beekeeping, which help the mites to kill our bees?

Firstly, the early build-up of a large amount of brood, helps to multiply the quantity of the mites, which, by the beginning of the honey-gathering season, will gain such strength, that without chemotherapy the family dies already in late July-early August ...

Secondly, methods of preventing swarming by dividing families into parts, lead to  uniform division of brood infected with mites, and do not imply a reduction of the quantity of the mites in any part of the family. The number of mites does not decrease during such kind of process of increment of the number of bees' families.

Thirdly, inserting in offshoots of fertile queens, aimed at enhanced development of the family,  including build-up of the quantity of bees, up to the very beginning of honey collection, also does its job, depriving the family of three weeks without brood. It also does not lead to a decrease in the number of mites, but on contrary, leads to a radical increase in their number ...

Fourthly, chemical treatments, acting only on the mites, which parasitizing  on adult bees, reduce the quantity of mites not more than10–20% for each treatment, which the mites immediately  compensate by a powerful yield of females, and by increasing resistance to the chemical substances !

All this shows, that the pursuit of profit, instead of keeping of bees, in accordance with Nature,  , causes more damages  than brings profit ... Such kind of keeping,  kills bees and destroys us, forcing to eat honey with the remnants of toxic chemicals. Only manufacturers of chemical drugs remains in profit ...

What should beekeepers do?  If you will ask us, then we will say the following ...  

At first, we would suggest to amateur beekeepers early diagnosis of the swarming state using Apivox Smart Monitor device. After this, we would suggest the family division by analogy with natural swarming. This means - without adding brood in the swarm and without inserting the fertile queen in to the maternal family,  but to use thoroughbred non-fertile queens, introducing them into the family, after the bees have sealed new queen cells, after they loss of old queen! This means the preservation of close to natural,  period in the family when the brood is absent. It is possible, that this will reduce honey collection, but will help to avoid the loss of bees ....

By the way, very similar methods are used now by German beekeepers, who use only formic acid diluted with water for control of mites. And only once a year .... They do not use any chemical preparations. This is why they have clean honey, and more or less healthy bees' colonies.

We hope, that very soon, we would suggest new methodology of keeping bees, which will radically suppress the development of mites without the use of any chemicals.  Now Apivox Varroa Eliminator project works hard on this theme...



Saturday, October 26, 2019

New construction of moss pillow for inner cover of new design


New construction of moss pillow for inner cover of new design. Both are made for prototype of new Varroa Eliminator beehive, which goal is - to suppress the development of the Varroa mites' population in the bee family, and to maximize its own development.  The experiment is coming to its end. The results are good.  All news on  This construction of inner cover will make it possible to remove moisture from wintering family and to make acoustic control of the family without any problem, using wired mic. Moreover, you will have thermometer for monitoring of in-hive temperature.


Sunday, October 13, 2019

Another example of measurement in winter, which should not be trusted !!!


Another example of measurement in winter, which should not be trusted !!! The sensitivity level, set by the rotary knob in the Monitoring mode, is too high for the measurement to be believed ... This was also indicated by the icon on the screen of Monitoring mode !!! In this case, it is better not to carry out the measurement even in the General State Control mode. The movement of the diagram shows that the signal is emitted by the bees. The signal level is very low ... It means, that the bees are all right ...

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Usage of Apivox Smart Monitor in cold time - features


Now, when  in the north of Europe and the USA starts cold snaps,  and temperatures fall to + 5-0 degrees Celsius, we can have some  difficulties with obtaining acoustic data ... If everything is good in bees' families, then the signals are usually weak ... In order to see the picture of the signals in Monitoring mode in principal, you should raise the gain to yellow or even red (warning) zone.  As a rule, if everything is good in families, then not only the signal level is low, but the signals themselves are poorly differentiated ... There are no jobs in the hive that can attract a large number of workers. And at such moments, the reliability of the diagnosis is not high. Most importantly, that in the Monitoring mode, it can be seen, that the bees are alive and calm. In the General State Control mode, it is also seen that the levels of the bars on diagram are low and poorly differentiated. In  Brood Control mode, the chart can fluctuate around zero and can be colored in half in red and white, since the average value of this chart is zero .... This chart doesn’t show either the presence, or absence of open brood ... It talks about weak acoustic signals in the hive, and that the state of the bees, in general, is normal ....


Monday, September 30, 2019



It was conducted routine monitoring of families. The weather is cold. In the afternoon + 7-10C, but even at this temperature, several bees (of Carniolan breed) from almost all families flew out in search of nectar. In addition, tests were made for the presence of an open brood. This will allow to correlate the consist of free falling mites and the estimated presence of brood residues ...

Beehive E-1. 70 mites in 5 days. The ratio of mature to immature mites in free fall is 30/40.

The situation in the family has changed. It seems that brood withdrawal is ending.

There is practically no open brood. The fall of an immature mites comes from the last sealed brood. The state of the family is normal.

If you compare the readings 5 ​​days before and now, you can see the difference! The first screenshot shows the unambiguous presence of an open brood, the second tell about the possible minimum residues of open brood or full absence of it ... Given that this is autumn, and there is practically no work in the hive, the graph, although white, is close to the zero line.

Beehive 8-1.  57 mites in 5 days. The ratio of mature to immature mites in free fall is 17\40

Diagnostics has not changed compared to the previous time. At the same time, a large fall of immature tick when diagnosing the absence of an open brood suggests, that most likely,  there was the last mass exit of young bees from a sealed brood ...

Beehive 5-1.  1 mite in 5 days. There are no immature mites.

This family is the smallest. Since it remains with the old queen, the brood was given to it less than to the other part when the main family was divided, and she gained not too much strength. In fact, only 6 out of 10 frames are covered with bees ....
Despite the fact that it got colder, the brood care signal has almost disappeared. Now, there are no "red caps", from time to time appearing on the chart .... And a small peaks of red color appear due to the general weakness of in-hive works, because the graph is too close to zero line.
Apparently there is practically no brood, which is confirmed by the fact,  that there is too few mites and all are adult, that is.  This mean, that the mites were not in the brood, but on adult bees.

Beehive 5-2.  20 mites in 5 days. The ratio of mature and immature mites in free fall is 10/10.

Diagnostics show that there are no differences from the previous period. There is no open brood or very few. A free fall of immature mites indicates the outcome of young bees from the last sealed brood.

Beehive 8-2.  10 mites in 5 days. There are no immature mites.

Diagnosis once again showed the normal state of the family and the absence of an open brood. The free fall of only a mature mites, indicates the absence of young bees coming from the sealed brood, which is also does not exist ... All mites falled from adult bees.


The usability of our new inner cover of the hive is once again confirmed ... together with an insulating coating made from foamed polyethylene with foil to reflect heat, which can be rotated by the reflecting surface inward.
In addition, you can make holes in it for better acoustic contact, or put your smartphone on the lattice under it.



Tuesday, September 24, 2019



Today we examined all our families from the upper part of the hive, without taking the frames off the body-box. The main goal was to understand how and where the winter cluster is formed ...

After this inspection, which cooled the nests of the bees and greatly disturbed them, the Apivox Smart Monitor app was used to check the general state of the bees and to assess the presence of open brood in the nest. We used the General State Control mode in winter variant and the Brood Control Mode.

Beehive E-1. According to the first screenshot, after an external examination at a temperature of + 7C, the bees began emergency heating of the nest. At the same time, there are usual in-hive works. The second screenshot explains, why such a strong heating was required - there is still an open brood in the nest. The graph is high enough in the red zone. Apparently, a large number of bees in the hive allows to continue to grow brood, although in significantly smaller volumes. This is the reason why the free fall of the mites is  still does not subside.

Beehive 8-1. According to the first screenshot, we very much bothered the bees of this family. The excitation signal is very strong. But overall state of the family is normal. Emergency heating is not required. This indicates a high probability of the absence of an open brood. The family is engaged in its internal affairs. The second screenshot shows that there is no open brood or very few. The chart is in the white zone, although not very deep.

Beehive 5-1. According to the first screenshot, the family is disturbed  and chilled. There is emergency heating. But it is not very strong. In-hive works are proceeding as usual. The second screenshot may explain the reason for the emergency heating. The family seems to have small leftovers of an open brood. The chart sometimes goes into the red zone, although quite a bit.

Beehive E-2. The first screenshot shows that the family was disturbed. There is excitement of bees. And there is also an emergency heating of small power. Bees restore thermal conditions in the nest. According to the second screenshot, there is no open brood or there are minor residues. The chart does not leave the white zone, although sometimes it approaches to a zero mark.

Beehive 5-2. The first screenshot shows that the bees have already calmed down and are in normal condition. The second screenshot shows that with a high degree of probability there is no open brood in the family. The chart is completely in the white zone, but the pulsation of the chart is noticeable. This can indicates the possibility of the care on open brood, but of very insignificant force.

Beehive 8-2. The first screenshot indicates that the family is in good condition. Activity is not high, but they do not use the emergency heating. The second screenshot indicates that there is no open brood in the family or its number is not significant.

So, we can state that in no one family except E-1, there is most likely no brood at all, or its quantity is not significant. If it exists, it should be only the remains of sealed brood. There is no, with high probability,  an open brood. The presence of brood in E-1 beehive, will for some time, provoke a free fall of Varroa mites, which can still multiply in the remaining brood.

I would like to note the work of the new type of inner cover. So far, its  work can be considered successful. Due to the plastic lattice with gaps of 2-3 mm, normaly used for collecting of propolis, our inner cover makes it easy to carry out acoustic control of bees, although the light somewhat interferes with them, to carry out visual control of wintering bees without opening the hive, and then, if necessary, during frosts, will allow you to put a pillow of moss on top of it to remove metabolic moisture, which can condense at the top of the hive ...
It should be noted that the lattice is about 2 cm above the frames and the bees do not close the holes with propolis. We are also integrated a wired microphone into the middle of inner cover, which allows us to control bees in winter and summer without lifting the roof of the hive.



Saturday, September 14, 2019

Personal inspection confirms results of diagnostic, made by Apivox Smart Monitor

Personal inspection confirms results of diagnostic, made by of Apivox Smart Monitor

Yesterday we, once more time, checked the correspondence between the acoustic signals, which accompany brood care, using Brood Control mode of Apivox Smart Monitor, and real presence and quantity of open brood in the families of our experimental apiary...

Family E-1 ( this family lives in the hive of our new design, the goal of which to eliminate Varroa mites in the family)
Pay attention to this group of screenshots.. Here is clearly seen that in the middle of the day the bees were actively working (1.1, 1.2),  the bees  paid very few attention to the brood care. By evening, the work had weakened, and the volume of brood care had relatively increased (2.1, 2.2)  and was almost equal in strength, to the rest of the hive works. The last chart, obtained late at night (3.0), shows that  all in-hive works has weakened, and open brood care has become priority work in the family. But, accorfing to our chart, we can say,  that there is not a lot of open brood in this family. The chart is close to zero line...

Family E-2

In the hive E-2, the situation is somewhat different. Open brood care signals are not visible at all ....

In screenshot 1.1 it can be seen that the bees are quite active in collecting honey. Screenshot 1.2 says, that there is very few works on open brood care. Other in-hive works prevail. And indeed it is. Inspection of the family showed the presence of approximately 3 frames with sealed brood, and almost complete absence of an open brood. That is why the signals of open brood care are so small, or completely absent during daytime.

Family 5-1

Screenshot 1.1 taken at the beginning of the evening suggests, that the family should have an open brood. When examining the family, at first, it seemed that there was no brood at all.... This is clearly visible in picture 2.1. But the graph spoke about completely different situation... This is why, we took a couple of shots quite close, and afterwards, on the computer, at high magnification, we saw that our device did not make a mistake !!!!!  Open brood is really exist !!!! Pictures 2.2. and 2.3 clearly confirm this. Although there is not a lot of cells with open brood  and the eggs and young larvae are not yet easily noticeable, but they are exists! Apivox Smart Monitor was right, as usual !!!

Family 5-2
Thease two charts were received at different time. One of them was received in the afternoon, when the bees worked actively, collecting honey, and the second - late in the evening. Diagram 1.1 shows, that there are times when work is maximized, and there are times when brood care appears in the family, but its strength is not enough to become the main work in the hive. Late in the evening, when the bees no longer fly for honey, the work on open brood care periodically become the main work in the hive. Diagram 1.2 shows this quite obviously. Everything speaks for the fact, that the family has an open brood but its emount is not very high...

Personal control of the hive showed, that there was a certain amount of sealed brood on 1 frame, and a rather large amount of open brood, on two more frames. There was found eggs and larvae... This perfectly confirms the readings of our device Apivox Smart Monitor.

Family 8-1

Despite the late evening hours, there are no any signs of open brood care. Thermometers are also recorded very low temperatures in the hive. Most likely there is no brood in the family. Personal inspection was not carried out.


Friday, August 30, 2019

APIVOX SMART MONITOR - some possibijities of the device

         APIVOX SMART MONITOR - is the best app for any practical beekeeper    




Saturday, August 24, 2019

Standard check of free fall of mites with the use of sticky experimental hive 23 of August

New measurement showed, that the number of Varroa mites in families increased radically, as it should be in early autumn. The number of bees become smaller, the number of brood also, and the number of mites become more and more ... Over the past 50 days of measurement, the number of mites in control families has increased from 5 to 15 times, while in our experimental hive only 1.8 times. Over the entire measurement period from late May to late August, that is, for almost three months, with 9-11 brood frames almost all the time, the mites population increased only 2.7 times. We really hope that this is a good result !!!

Usage of Apivox Smart Monitor in pavilion

Monitoring of the state of experimental hive using Apivox Smart Monitor app showed the working state of the family. The quantity of brood become significantly smaller and the work prevails. All families switched to the autumn mode of life ... The measurement was carried out through the lattice ceiling of the hive, almost like through the textile coverage of the frames. When placed in a pavilion at an altitude of more than 2 meters, this is the only convenient variant of measurement.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Standard check of free fall of mites with the use of sticky experimental hive 12 of August

August 12, 2019

We continue monitoring of the mite population in our families - in experimental hive and control hives. The results inspire hope.

As always, we carried out standard checks of free fall of mites with the use of sticky board. Weather was cold enough - in the morning - about + 7С, then during  the day time, it warmed up to + 20С. The bees flew well, and carried yellow pollen.


The results are :

experimental hive
The difficulty in controlling of mites population in our case, is that with a low initial mites population, its growth is minimal and it is difficult to determine it reliably. As can be seen from the graph (Economic Threshold for Varroa on the Canadian Prairies by Dr. Rob Currie, University of Manitoba, Dept. of Entomology, Winnipeg Manitoba, R3T 2N2 Updated May26, 2008), it is almost smooth if you start to control the mites population, with minimal initial quantity. But, this is a matter of scale ...

So, from mid-May till mid-August our experimental hive show good results of averaged free fall of mites per day...  

The quantity become less !!!!  and not higher, as it is shown on the previous graph !!!