Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Standard check of free fall of mites with the use of sticky experimental hive

July 26, 2019

Today we carried out standard checks of free fall of mites with the use of sticky board.

Mites' ​​control showed, that our experimental hive have not bad results. The family, which for about 2 months has 9-10 brood frames and a lot of bees, has a tick quantity almost as much, as the family No. 8-1, which was a queenless offshoot from the family No. 8, and for three weeks in June did not have brood at all...




Experimental family of bees after personal control, which showed 6 frames of brood, was expanded with additional body-box, with combs and frames with honey (8 frames in total) and pillows along the edges, which was placed  atop of the first body-box.  It was assumed, that the strength of the family was sufficient for such a procedure.

But it was not so.  Control, carried out in three beehives participating in our experiments, after 5 days showed the following picture - Hive No. 8 - worked perfectly, Hive No. 5 worked perfectly, in general, even better than No. 8. In both families there was a slight heating of the brood, almost at the level of background values, and good work on honey collection. The experimental family differed radically from them. The main job in the hive was heating of the brood. (Additional heating) The flight of  bees was much weaker. It was decided  to inspect the family.
In the process of examination, there was found 9 frames of uneven-aged brood. There was a lot of sealed brood, which caused the need for heating, because of the fact, that increment of volume of the hive after installing the second body-box worsened the temperature conditions in the nest. The second body-box was removed, and after a few hours the control was repeated in two modes.

In the Brood Control mode our device showed, that the family  intensively work with brood. And this is understandable - there was a lot of open and sealed brood in the nest. At the same time, our device, in General State Control mode, showed that the number of bees that had been engaged in heating of the nest was much less  than before, and disengaged bees switched to the other work inside the hive.

This fact showed us, that expand of the hive was made too early, or it was better to place second body-box under the first one...   Thus, the situation was fully understood and corrected, due to diagnostic, made with the help of Apivox Smart Monitor.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

We continue to monitor the number of Varroa mites in our experimental hive. 15 of July 2019.

We continue to monitor the number of Varroa mites in our experimental hive.

 In this week, apparently, there was a mass exit of young bees, which is noticeable according to the empty frames, which contained sealed brood
 This led to a sharp increase in the number of mites, falling on our sticky board on the hive floor under the mesh ....

The number of fallen mites was 14 pieces in 7 days. The rate is quite high. But we assume that such an increase occurs cyclically if there is  a large amount of brood of one and same age.

For today, our control lasts already for two months. A graph of the average value of the dailyfall of the mites over three, approximately three-week intervals, shows very little growth ... Literally in tenths .... The average value is close to one mite per day. And this amount we have in the hive, in which we have about 9 frames of the mixed-age brood !

New design of the hive give possibility to grow more bees !!!

The work of our experimental hive showed, that the bees, which leave in it,  develop much faster, and the family become stronger in much shorter time. The offshoot consists from four frames of mixed-age brood, bees and queen was placed in our hive on the eighth of May. On June 5, the family had 9 brood frames and sealed queen cells.

On the sixth of June the family was divided into two parts. In our hive remained the half with the queen and 5 frames of brood.

By the end of June, it was possible to  divide the family in half again. There was 9 frames of brood again. From this point on, we strted removing the swarming queen cells, in order to continue our experiment.  For our experiment we need the family of the same size and condition as it was previously...

Feeding of bees in July !!!

Control of families after the next week of bad weather showed, that there is not enough food in the hives, even for the simplest survival of families.

 Poor food supply in the new location of our experimental apiary, and bad weather led to the fact, that the hives are full of brood in the absence of honey. 

The family in the experimental hive is about to begin the swarming process in order to survive. For this reason, in all hives were set feeders, and was given sugar syrup in a 1: 1 ratio, in order to imitate the honey harvest.

Swarming in July ??? Yes, it is possible !!!


We carried out acoustic monitoring of the state of the hives, including our experimental hive. The results were quite ambiguous. The control in the General State Control mode showed, that in addition to a small job, there was a signal of active heating, appearing in the middle of summer, usually when there is too much brood in the family, and perhaps there are queen cells ...

That is, despite the fact that the family is partially working, it is preparing either for a quiet change of the queen, or for full-scale swarming.

A visual inspection of the state of the family was carried out. The assumption was confirmed. In the family we found 2 sealed queen cells  and many empty queen cups ( future queen cells without eggs)....  There was practically no honey in the frames, and there were too many bees
 and brood.

Pay attention to the photo - all the upper corners and all top cell of the frame are empty. Where there should be honey - we see emptiness. Swarming has arisen due to the absence of nectar in nature, and to a long interval of bad weather. The family is trying to survive in this way. After all, the chance to survive for two smaller families in such conditions is higher than for one big family ...

Friday, July 12, 2019

Interesting photos confirming our theory of nest heating ...

 Interesting photos confirming our theory of nest heating ...

   We managed to peep a very interesting thing ... In the upper photos you can see a cluster of bees below the frames in the left side of the hive, in a family, in which the young queen just started laying eggs. You see that group of bees, which creates a protective shell and warms the brood from below. Previously we used to think that these were passive bees. Now we believe, that this is a group of older bees, who participate in the thermoregulation of the nest in two variants:  passively - creating a shell that retains heat from their own bodies, and actively - generating heat with creation of low-frequency sounds. When our device Apivox Smart Monitor hears these bees, it gives a message about additional active heating, which in summer is usually required only if there is a lot of brood in the family. This signal is especially strong when there are queen cells in the family. In winter, this signal is present almost constantly, saying that the bees are alive and warm themselves.
   The bottom photo is a visible confirmation of our words ... This is one of those frames that the bees have warmed up ... Fine sealed  brood confirms the magnificent quality of the young queen ....


New data about our experimental hive, which goal is to eliminate Varroa mites in the bees family .

New data about our experimental hive, which goal is to eliminate Varroa mites in the bees family.

The control of the quantity of Varroa mites  in our experimental hive continues. The task of our experiment -  is to minimize the mites population to such an extent that it will cease to be dangerous for the bees. For the moment, it seems to us that we succeed. As we said earlier, we do not use any preparations for the treatment of bees ... We do not use not only chemical compounds, but also more harmless essential oils ...

So our regular control, carried out 6 days after the previous one, again gave the result - 6 Varroa mites ... But we want to draw your attention, that the composition of the showered mites has changed! If earlier we saw mostly adult females of red-and-brown color, now we see 50% of pale red females. This means that these are not matured females that died in brood cells. So, we can make conclusion, that a new generation of mites came out with young bees, the vacated cells were cleaned by young bees, and dead mites were thrown out ... Theoretically, the mites' population should grow ...  If it is true or not, we will understand according to results of our next controls...

In any case, the number of free-falling mites indicates a very low level of infection of the family, and we do not see an increase in the population of mites during one and a half month of observations. The fall remains for all this time a little bit more, or slightly less, than one mite per day, which, according to the formula proposed by reputable scientists, means that there is a population of 1x30 = 30 mites in the family, 65% of which are in the brood, and 35% on worker bees. This means, that if our family consists of both, 9 brood frames, and an appropriate number of bees, and approaches to 30,000 units, the percent of infestation of the family is about 1 mite per 1000 bees, or 0.1%, and has been maintained at this level for one and a half months! !!

APIVOX SMART MONITOR - a short story about the instrument and about acoustic control by itself.

APIVOX SMART MONITOR - a short story about the instrument and about acoustic control by itself.

   From studies of biologists working in different areas, it is known, that the “language” of all animals is very limited, and is a set of sounds that have different meanings in different situations. And the task of these signals is mainly to draw attention to the position or actions of the individual issuing the signal.

   Bees also make sounds and create vibrations. This is a part of their "language". There are also tactile contacts and pheromones. But the man has begun to listen to the bees,  and to try to understand them long time ago. Ear, stethoscope, Apidictor and finally the device named  Apivox Smart Monitor

   The mechanism of the creation of vibro-acoustic signals by the bees and their perception are already well studied. There are some situations in which vibro-acoustic signals are used - during the dance of foragers (this is the most famous and prominent example), during the "singing" of the queens and the "singing" of worker bees. But so far, there has not been a coherent theory of how the bees use these sounds and vibrations, their significance in various situations is not known, and their exact parameters are not well known. The system of constructing of these vibro-acoustic signals is not known too.

   The Apivox project went precisely along this path.  We went on the way of trying to understand, how the signals of bees are arranged, and what they mean in different specific situations. Four years of researches and tests, a bunch of analytical studies were conducted. It was created the device, named Apivox Auditor. It is allowed to begin instrumental research of sounds of bees. With its help, we accumulated new information, the analysis of which led to the creation of a new theory of vibro-acoustic communications in bees. It has become a part of the Manual for the device, and everyone can read and download it on our Website.

The fact that in the development of the device was involved a former military engineer - developer of  electronic technologies,  the specifics of which was signal processing, led to the development of the technical basis for the analysis of sounds of living beings, including the bees. It became clear, why no one could get clean and clear signals from the bees, and could not analyse them correctly - the true signals from bees are very short. The fact is, that the signal of bee lasts less than a half second. And when they are studied with the help of Fourier algorithms, arise effects, with which are fighting  experts in combat radio-location systems! Moreover, it is the fact,  that the set of signals, which was  considered to be the “language” of bees, turned out to be a set of heating, ventilation, and other " technical" signals. And all this was taken into account in the further work on the Apivox bees signals analysis algorithms.

   The new theory and its verification led us to an understanding of what scientists and the developer of the first device, Eddie Woods, could previously only guess about.

• That the ventilation signals can provide information about the state of the family and its work on honey collection.
• That the signals that Woods called "Singing of Beehive" are actually not emitted by unemployed bees, but by bees, caring for open brood.
• That these signals really become much more before swarming, as before swarming the family should increase its power and so, to  increase the amount of brood.
• That these signals actually become more with a loss of the queen, as the bees increase the care for the remaining open brood, before laying new queen cells. They need a lot of larvae and in different places, and therefore the entire open brood for the family is of great value.  This is why the care for open brood is rapidly increasing...
• It became known that this signal in the normal family has a cyclical nature, and with loss of the queen, when working bees begin to lay unfertilized eggs, the signal keeps constantly, although it has less power. This signal is emitted by the bees, who care for the larvae of future drones which are many and scattered randomly across all the frames ...
• That there are signals directly related to the heating of the nest and the entire hive. They were considered to be the signals of passive bees, as they are emitted by worker bees, which are almost inconspicuous, and are sitting at the bottom of the frames, outside the brood zone ...
• That it is this signal, that becomes the main before swarming, when the bees begin to heat the entire hive so that the queen can lay as many eggs as possible wherever possible, including in the queen cells scattered across different frames. So, exactly this signal,  became the main marker of close swarming.
• That there is an emergency heating signal when the bees are struggling to restore the temperature in the nest or winter cluster. Sometimes this signal can be seen in summer in a weak offshoots, in which there are too few bees for warming the brood and queen cells in the ordinary way.
• Understanding how and why the bees warm the nest, especially before swarming, at the moment when the bees begin to prepare for laying the queen cells, gave clear understanding of the need of warming the hives at this particular time, in order to give the family possibility to use early honey harvest. After all, only old flight bees torn from the honey collection for this purpose, are engaged in heating the hive.

In addition to all this, was formed a harmonious classification of true communicational signals of bees, which they use mainly when working on honey collection:  These are groups of communicational signals — signals of bees scouting forages, signals of foraging bees calling others to a source of nectar, signals of bees discharging nectar, signals of recruits, which are ready to become foragers, the "chanting" of worker bees or foragers, who could not wait more for discharge of nectar, and calling for bees-receivers. These are marker signals indicating what bee is doing or a cluster of bees doing. It is the marker signals, in our opinion, that make it possible to organize better the group work of bees, which strictly depend on their age. Analyzing such signals, the bee turns on its decision-making algorithm  and  analyze if she can take part in this work according to her age, or not ...

     Studying these signals, we learned to single out the groups of signals, which are of interest to us and, on their basis, to qualify the essential state of the bee family - the presence of in-hive works or works on honey collection. We learned to understand their relative strength. Analytical studies were carried out, that gave an understanding of the best place to take measurements at different times of the year, and the best time to take measurements that allow you to understand the condition of the family.

    All this formed the basis of the new version of our app - in Apivox Smart Monitorapp. In this device ( or app), in addition to the well-proven modes - the General State Control mode, the Swarming Control mode, and the modes used when replacing the queen, new modes useful for practical beekeepers were added... These are - the Brood Control mode for checks in the spring and autumn, and the Readiness for Commodity Honey Collection Control mode, to check the working condition of the family in the summer. All these modes  has expanded the capabilities of the device and allowed to make comprehensive control of the families, using several modes, which allow to look at the situation from different sides ...In order to have such possibilities, there were made seven different modes, and their winter version.

We can refer to many examples and to show video films, accumulated over the years of researches, but you can do this by yourself. All of them are freely available. All methods of analyzing the state of families and examples of inspections are described in the Manual for the device. And you can watch it in Internet or download it from our web page and read it.

    The Apivox Smart Monitor app is made for smartphones based on the Android operating system and this limits its use to those who ue iOS based smartphones, i.e., iPhone owners. But, this year, Apivox' algorithms were tested on recordings of the sounds of families of bees. We worked remotely with the apiary, located in Argentina. The result was excellent. Properly recorded sound provides enough information for qualitative analysis, and for issuing of adequate recommendations to the beekeeper in near real time in any end of the World. This opportunity formed the basis of the System of Remote Diagnostics, developed by us, which is now used in test mode and is waiting for interested people for further development.

Once again I want to emphasize that Apivox Smart Monitor is just a device, and not a beekeeper's substitute. Its task - is to give you the facts, that you can not see without opening the hive, and sometimes are not visible even if you open it. After all, even if you open a hive 2-3 weeks before swarming, you will not know that the process has already begun, or if you open a hive of a perfectly flying family, you will not understand that it works only for itself and not for you, because it has too much brood, which it is necessary to feed and warm ... And so on, and so far ...

    So Apivox will give you the facts. Their further interpretation is already a business of the beekeeper - your business. The point of your mind, knowledge and experience. We give you the Manual - and this is already very much, but the basis of understanding what is happening in the bee family is the level of general theoretical and practical knowledge of the beekeeper, is his ability, basing on the facts given by the device, to build a complete picture of the condition and needs of the bee family, which he check.

    ApivoxSmart Monitor app can always be purchased through our main site or dealer. And the price for years of researches and tests is almost symbolic. Apart from this, it is possible to collectively connect to the Remote Diagnostics System, on the basis of a separate agreement.

   So, we expect that the progressive ideas will finally look into beekeeping science, and will lead it on the path of real protection and preservation of bees on Earth.