It was conducted routine monitoring of families. The weather is cold. In the afternoon + 7-10C, but even at this temperature, several bees (of Carniolan breed) from almost all families flew out in search of nectar. In addition, tests were made for the presence of an open brood. This will allow to correlate the consist of free falling mites and the estimated presence of brood residues ...
Beehive E-1. 70 mites in 5 days. The ratio of mature to immature mites in free fall is 30/40.
The situation in the family has changed. It seems that brood withdrawal is ending.
There is practically no open brood. The fall of an immature mites comes from the last sealed brood. The state of the family is normal.
If you compare the readings 5 days before and now, you can see the difference! The first screenshot shows the unambiguous presence of an open brood, the second tell about the possible minimum residues of open brood or full absence of it ... Given that this is autumn, and there is practically no work in the hive, the graph, although white, is close to the zero line.
Beehive 8-1. 57 mites in 5 days. The ratio of mature to immature mites in free fall is 17\40
Diagnostics has not changed compared to the previous time. At the same time, a large fall of immature tick when diagnosing the absence of an open brood suggests, that most likely, there was the last mass exit of young bees from a sealed brood ...
Beehive 5-1. 1 mite in 5 days. There are no immature mites.
This family is the smallest. Since it remains with the old queen, the brood was given to it less than to the other part when the main family was divided, and she gained not too much strength. In fact, only 6 out of 10 frames are covered with bees ....
Despite the fact that it got colder, the brood care signal has almost disappeared. Now, there are no "red caps", from time to time appearing on the chart .... And a small peaks of red color appear due to the general weakness of in-hive works, because the graph is too close to zero line.
Apparently there is practically no brood, which is confirmed by the fact, that there is too few mites and all are adult, that is. This mean, that the mites were not in the brood, but on adult bees.
Beehive 5-2. 20 mites in 5 days. The ratio of mature and immature mites in free fall is 10/10.
Diagnostics show that there are no differences from the previous period. There is no open brood or very few. A free fall of immature mites indicates the outcome of young bees from the last sealed brood.
Beehive 8-2. 10 mites in 5 days. There are no immature mites.
Diagnosis once again showed the normal state of the family and the absence of an open brood. The free fall of only a mature mites, indicates the absence of young bees coming from the sealed brood, which is also does not exist ... All mites falled from adult bees.
The usability of our new inner cover of the hive is once again confirmed ... together with an insulating coating made from foamed polyethylene with foil to reflect heat, which can be rotated by the reflecting surface inward.
In addition, you can make holes in it for better acoustic contact, or put your smartphone on the lattice under it.