Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Diagnostic of experimental family using Brood Control mode and General State Control mode

Today we conducted tests with our experimental hive, and had to open it for a while.  We know that most likely, the bees began to breed. This can be seen by the temperature in the nest.
So, before and after cooling the bees, control was carried out using  Apivox Smart Monitor in Brood Control mode ...


 If before the anxiety and cooling there was practically no brood heating in the nest, the bees had enough metabolic heat to maintain the temperature in the nest, then after opening the hive a little heating appeared.  This happened because the nest was not cooled, but only the hive around the nest was somewhat cooled. This was evident from the temperature sensors in the "streets" between the frames.  Inside the nest, the temperatures practically have not changed.

When we used the app in General State Control mode, which averages data through the time, we saw, that there was no significant Brood Heating, but only regular and intensive heating of the nest.  The only visible difference was that work become a bit weaker, and appeared some excitation of the bees after our interference ...


But in general, the state of the bees is normal, but too active for winter time...