Studying the materials published in the American Bee Journal # 4 2020, we came across statistics, which fully correspond to our own results obtained during the work on the Apivox Varroa Eliminator project. This both pleased and upset us, since the loss of bees wherever they occur, worsens the situation with the bees on the entire Earth.
In addition, the statistics again confirmed, that none of the drugs currently used in beekeeping, no matter how loudly they are advertised, do not radically solve the problem of combating varroatosis in our apiaries, but only put us "on the needle" of companies that produce heaps of "highly effective drugs" for the treatment of bees from various diseases!
Let's move on to specific data and their interpretation ...
So, the first material is data on the loss of bees over the past 10 years according to Bee Informed organization . The graph shows, that in the
Professionals also have bee losses, but they are significantly less than those of amateurs and beekeepers with small apiaries. We are also agree with this. The reason, as a rule, is that amateurs are trying to conduct eco-friendly beekeeping and to use as little as possible chemicals intended to treat bees from various diseases. At a minimum, they use them in the event of illness of their bees.
Professional beekeepers are always try to act ahead of the curve, as are poultry and livestock breeders. Why wait for the animals to get sick? This always results in waste of time and money. All measures for the treatment or, more precisely, for the prevention of diseases are carried out within clearly defined terms, regardless of the presence or absence of a real disease. Therefore, diseases occur less frequently and the losses from them are less. If the main task of the apiary is pollination or rearing queens, then the amount of chemicals in the combs and honey does not matter at all for them.
But, as it can be seen from the graphs, the losses of bees both in professional beekeepers and in other beekeepers, have been growing in recent years proportionally despite some difference in absolute values !!!!
In addition to these data, there is a table, which became the result of a survey of beekeepers about the reasons for the death of bees in their apiaries. The result was expected - most of the bees died from infestation with the Varroa mites! I think, that the column "weak in fall" can be safely summed up with the column "died from the Varroa mites" ... Our studies, which we told you about, claim, that this is most likely, the result of an autumn peak in the development of population of Varroa mites, which many beekeepers do not notice during and after Main honey harvest. So, we believe, that 69% of the deaths of the bees in small apiaries occurs from infestation with Varroa mites, which today cannot be completely destroyed by any means! This is a really perfect situation for chemical producers and traders! There are always remains enough mites in the hives to keep their business going! This is a really great business!
What does all this say .... It says, that despite the advertising-oriented results of "successful use" of various oils and chemicals, they are not very effective in real life! To quote from an American Bee Journal article ... " Four chemical control options show the greatest potential for better survival in survey results for the past four seasons. Essential oils Apiguard and ApiLifeVar show about a 30% greater survival, and use of Apivar about a 29% better survival. Oxalic acid vaporization demonstrated an 11% better survival over past three years, but survival improvement of Oxalic acid drizzle was minor and in only one of the last three seasons. ".... Just advertising ! ....
The lack of effectiveness of drugs against Varroa mites is confirmed by this table, given in the journal article.
Pay attention to the bottom line of this table ... It tells you, that with only fifteen percent of the family infected by Varroa mites, as a rule, no drugs can already save it! They simply will not kill all the mites in the family, and they cannot repair the damages caused by the mites! None of the medicines! The family of bees is doomed to death because the brood is massively damaged, because almost all young bees in the family are already infected with viruses, including the wing deformation virus... All this will soon lead the family to the loss of almost all bees and, accordingly, to its death.
But the fact that bee colonies may find themselves in such a situation is the result of the ineffectiveness of all known types of treatment of bees against varroatosis, which, undoubtedly, beekeepers have carried out. It was carried out using essential oils or amitraza, or fluvalinate, or acids, or all together ... But on average, the result is the same! Bees die anyway ... And according to diagrams, every year more and more of them die, despite the increasing number of "effective drugs that destroy 99% of Varroa mites" on sale!
This is why
we believe, that our Apivox Varroa Eliminator project is so important. Our project
is built on the idea that Nature itself has taken care to limit the
uncontrolled reproduction of all living beings. Including Varroa mites. Our
task is only to understand what is such a limiter for Varroa mites .... It is
the finding of this limiter and its competent use that should allow the bees
and the mites to live nearby without destroying each other.
In this article we used diagrams from two
articles of ABJ magazine,
HONEY BEE COLONY MORTALITY - Survey results for the
Re-evaluating Varroa Monitoring by RANDY OLIVER
whose .pdf file is available on the link -
And the Bee Informed project documents.
Sergey Glebskij 2019 © All rights reserved