Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Practical lesson. Analysis of sound recordings from two different hives using different modes of Apivox Smart Monitor.

Here we can see a screenshot, on which, in the sound file editor, we can see the appearance of two audio signals, recorded one after another at interval of several minutes, in two different hives, on a warm sunny day at the end of August.This is hives No. 7 and No. 9.

According to our opinion, at a glance, and aurally, these signals are distinguished only by the fact, that the first signal is slightly weaker. We can not understand other differences.

But we conducted an examination of these families, and we know, that their states are different, and after all measurements we will tell about their real state...

So, at first, we will use the basic control mode  -  General State Control mode. We will carry out control, using a long measurement interval. Here is  the result of our measurement....
It is immediately visible, that there are differences in the composition of the signals, and diagnostic messages confirm this...

Family in the hive №9 actively collect honey and make in-hive works. All works are active and strong.

The family in the hive No. 7 practically does not work on honey collection and only make in-hive works. Apparently, it does not have enough strength to work on honey collection.

We will conduct one more check of these families using Readiness for Commodity Honey Collection Control mode. This should show general trends between in-hive works, including brood care, and works aimed at honey collection. And what is more important, we will see their distribution over time, that is, the main trend, taking place in these families. So, the measurements are carried out, and we see the result...

The measurement result unambiguously shows the difference in behavior and condition of the bees in two families.
In the beehive No. 7, bees are in the borderline state between in-hive works, including caring for brood, and  honey collection.  And caring for brood, sometimes prevails.

In the beehive No. 9, the bees are in working state, and can use honey harvest. The work on honey collection is not ideal, the family also has in-hive works, which are needed to be done. But honey is delivered and processed.

Thus, monitoring shows that families have different states....

Family No. 7 is trying to maintain or build up strength, using domestic stocks of honey. Honey harvest is not used.

Family number 9 use honey harvest, but not as active as we would like.  And now, beekeeper himself have to determine the cause - whether this depends on the strength of the family, or on the strength of honey harvest.

Now, a few words about the families, which live in these two hives......

Hive No. 7 - This is offshoot with 4 frames of brood of different ages, and without queen. Bees must grow a new one. Offshoot is located near the main family, so most of flight bees returned to the old place. Bees practically do not fly out.

Beehive number 9 - is a small family, which was in the beginning of the summer an offshoot. It have young queen, 3-4 frames of brood, bees flying for nectar, but activity is not very high.

So you could be sure that the diagnostics that you can get using Apivox Smart Monitor fully corresponds to the state of the families. The only thing about which the beekeeper should not forget, is that the device can not replace him, but will only help him to see some things, which he can not see and can not hear by himself.

P.S. Files with recordings of these signals are always enclosed to the application, in order to give you possibility to test the device at home. When using these files, do not forget to set the equalizers of your record-player and computer to neutral position.

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