Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Third update of the Apivox Smart Monitor app - Apivox Smart Monitor_r3

 Apivox project is releasing the third update of the Apivox Smart Monitor app, which we will begin to make and send to our customers, from January 2021.  New version of the application Apivox Smart Monitor ( r3)  has improved diagnostic of the state of bees in the main operating mode of the device - in General State Control mode. Added information messages about some new states based on a combination of acoustic signals emitted by bees during various types of work in the hive. Diagnostics has become even more complete and accurate. At the same time, the price of the application remains unchanged at $ 40 or € 30. Today it is the cheapest solution for the most accurate diagnostics of the condition of your bees, available both to an amateur beekeeper with a couple of hives, and to professionals who have apiaries with dozens of bee colonies. And as you remember,  diagnostics does not require opening the hives and disturbing the bees. This is especially important for those who keep bees near residential buildings, and especially for urban beekeepers.

 Together with the app you will receive manual and the book on the theory of acoustic control of the bees' families - " LISTENING FOR THE BEES" or "ISSUES OF BIOACOUSTICS"! This book is an unique knowledge set about the most unusual way of understanding the life of bees, and about its use in beekeeping practice. Another book which you'll receive- is the book on Varroa mites combating - "FEATURES OF DEVELOPMENT OF VARROA MITES' POPULATION  IN THE FAMILIES OF HONEY BEES, AND NEW EFFECTIVE  METHODS OF SUPPRESSION OF THEIR  DEVELOPMENT WITHOUT THE USE OF CHEMICAL DRUGS".

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