Apivox Smart Monitor is a unique application for acoustic control of bee colonies, which allows to find out the state of bee family without opening the hive. Thanks to the method, used in the app, it allows not to open the hive of bee colony if it is not necessary, and not to disturb the bees if you do not need to make something inside the hive.
The application by
itself, and methods, used in the application, have received the approval and
support of a wide variety of communities and organizations in the world.
Our articles on the
basics of acoustic control, new methods of keeping bees and controlling Varroa
mites have been published in various online and print media.
On the European resource
for science news and significant projects - CORDIS. https://cordis.europa.eu/search?q=%27glebskij%27&p=1&num=10&srt=Relevance:decreasing
In addition, the US government agency USDA / NIFA / Institute of Food Production and Sustainability has assessed our work as a worthy and much needed project.
Thus, the leading organizations and communities recognized our projects
as useful and important for the whole world.
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