Saturday, June 25, 2022

An example of monitoring the state of bees during the beginning of the main honey flow

 An example of monitoring the state of bees during the beginning of the main honey flow. The device determines whether the bees use brought honey for their needs or whether it is marketable honey, which they put in honey stores. The control was carried out from the top of the frames. All three families are different in strength and quantity of brood. The result of personal inspection showed that the most honey quantity is in E3 family, in second place was the E4 family. There was no store on the E5 family, which is an offshoot from E3 family.  Inspection showed that the bees fill with honey all free from brood place in the nest.  In addition, the E5 family showed a high degree of mobilization, which confirms its readiness to improve the production of honey.According to the results of control, honey super was installed on the hive of the E5 family.

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