Five years ago, in 2015, the development of a device for acoustic control of bees began. At that time it seemed to us, that this was a simple task. You just need to collect the reports of scientists, build a table of correspondence of sounds to the work performed by bees, and that’s all ! A purely technical task! But, as always, everything turns out to be much more complicated ...
Starting to collect scattered data from scientists about the signals of bees, we realized that in fact none of them knew anything specific about the correspondence of the behavior of bees to sound signals! There were assumptions, and only a couple of signals emitted by the bees during “wagging dance” were known quite accurately, and the signal, which is emitted by the bees moving along the honeycombs ...

We had to start our own analytical and practical research. And we got the result! Our device works wonderfully in apiary conditions and gives a completely clear diagnosis of the state of bees' families, which we constantly confirm with personal examinations. We collected the results of our work in a book that is available to any beekeeper who purchases our device. Essentially, it is a Manual for Acoustic Control. The combination of theory and practical recommendations, allows those who have studied it, to work comfortably with Apivox Smart Monitor acoustic control device in the apiaries, easily understanding the reasons, that cause the presence of certain diagnostic messages of the device.

The device has proven itself in all seasons of the year! In winter, it allows you to determine the condition of wintering bees and to identify families, requiring the intervention of a beekeeper. In early spring it helps to understand the moment when the bees begin to rear brood and to monitor the state of the bees. In early summer the device warns about the transition of the bees' family to the swarming state, and so early, that the swarm loss is generally small probable. When dividing the bees' family in half, it helps to understand, in which half the queen is. When replacing the queen, it helps to understand the best moment to introduce a new queen into the family. In summer, Apivox Smart Monitor helps the beekeeper to understand whether the bees work for marketable honey, or they bring nectar, which
is enough only for their internal needs ...

In addition, the use of several modes for family control, allows you to get a detailed picture of the state of the family, its needs and prospects. It should be noted, that in this case, diagnosis of the device is not a kind of “forecast” or “assumption”, like our opinion about the family after a personal examination! Diagnostics received by the device is essentially a "record of negotiations" of bees, translated into human language. Therefore, the data obtained by us using Apivox Smart Monitor is always absolutely reliable, when the control procedure is carried out correctly.
So, we want to say once again that in the capable hands, Apivox Smart Monitor is an indispensable assistant to the beekeeper... both for an amateur beekeepers, and for professional beekeepers.
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