Apivox Project is preparing to start a new cycle of researches on bee sound signals, using a new observational hive, designed specifically for this purpose.

Last season we tried to use a standard observational hive with one frame and glass walls on both sides. The holes in the acrylic glass made it possible to settle the miniature microphone almost anywhere of the frame, and to listen to the bees, working on it. But the question arose - is it possible that we hear the sound from the other side of the frame? We could not exclude such a phenomenon ...
Therefore, our new construction of the observation hive will be built on a different principle ... It will

be a book-type hive in which there will be not only one frame, but only one street betwee two halfs of the frames. That is, between two halves of a honeycomb that does not have a second side with cells. On the second side, each of them will have a blank wall with sand filling, the task of which, is to drown out all sounds.

Thus, we will know for sure, that the sound heard by the microphone cannot come from the other side of the honeycomb, and we will understand that the sound heard by the microphone, unambiguously corresponds to the work of the bee which we see near the microphone.
So, we expect to find new correspondences between the work performed by the bees, and the sounds, which we hear during acoustic control. This will make our Apivox Smart Monitor even more accurate and informative.
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